SEC Expands ‘Testing-the-Waters’ Communications to All Issuers

On September 26, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new Rule 163B and related amendments under the Securities Act to expand the permitted use of “testing-the-waters” communications to all companies regardless of size or reporting status, including business development companies (BDCs) and other registered investment companies. The new rule enables any issuer, including those that are not an emerging growth company (EGC) or any person authorized to act on the issuer’s behalf, to make oral and written offers to qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) 1 and institutional accredited investors (IAIs) 2 before or after the filing of a registration statement to gauge investors’ interest in an offering.

This new rule is a much-anticipated development that will level the playing field for issuers seeking to evaluate market interest prior to a registered public offering and represents an additional example of the SEC taking concerted action to encourage public capital formation.

The rule will become effective 60 days following its publication in the Federal Register.


In 2012, Congress passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) to ease regulatory burdens on smaller companies and encourage public and private capital formation. The JOBS Act created a new class of issuers, EGCs, with less than $1 billion (subsequently increased to $1.07 billion) in annual revenues and implemented a number of changes to the initial public offering (IPO) process, including establishing a transitional “on-ramp” that provides for scaled disclosure for EGCs.

As part of these reforms, the JOBS Act significantly eased long-standing restrictions on “gun-jumping” under Section 5 of the Securities Act by permitting EGCs, or persons authorized to act on their behalf, to make testing-the-waters communications before or after the filing of a registration statement. Testing-the-waters communications may solicit nonbinding indications of interest but may not solicit a binding commitment or customer order. Offerings for which EGCs may test the waters include IPOs, exchange offers, follow-on offerings and stock merger-related offerings.

Testing-the-waters activities vary from deal to deal. Typically, in a capital markets transaction, they resemble a roadshow presentation where management meets with potential investors and gives a presentation describing the issuer and the proposed offering. Representatives of the lead underwriter(s) usually arrange and accompany management at these meetings. Written materials may be used, although investment banks’ internal policies vary and some limit or prohibit written materials. Most often, management uses a presentation that resembles a roadshow deck but does not leave behind and carefully limits any other written materials. 3

New Rule 163B

The SEC’s new rule, Securities Act Rule 163B, expands testing-the-waters accommodations to permit any issuer, or any person authorized to act on its behalf, to engage in oral or written communications with potential investors that are, or are reasonably believed to be, QIBs or IAIs, either prior to or following the filing of a registration statement, to determine whether such investors might have an interest in a contemplated registered securities offering.

Under Rule 163B: