In this essay, I propose to show that the title, “Mediatrix of All Graces,” is fittingly applied to the Blessed Virgin due to her participation in Christ’s mediation, which, in her case, is a participation beyond that of any other creature, on account of her divine maternity, her special role in our redemption as the Coredemptrix and New Eve, and her spiritual motherhood of all mankind. To elucidate the mystery of Our Lady's mediation, I will first discuss what is meant by “mediator” in general, and then, in particular, when referred to Christ in 1 Timothy 2:5, as cited above. I will also show how all Christians, and in a special way, the Most Blessed Virgin, are called to participate in Christ’s mediation. Next I will review the title of “Mediatrix” as used of the Blessed Virgin both by some of the early Church fathers and other saints, as well as in ecclesial documents up to the present date. I will speak about how this designation relates to three other Marian titles: “Mother of God,” “Coredemptrix,” and “Mother of the Church.” I will also clarify the differences between the mediation of Mary and that of Christ, as well as differences in their merit. I will then examine the causality of Our Lady and why it is important that the words, “of all graces,” be added to her title of “Mediatrix.” Finally, I will discuss briefly the question of whether Mary’s mediation should be declared a “Fifth Dogma” of the Catholic Church.
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