What Effect Does Amortization Expense Have on the Statement of Cash Flows?

Amortization expense refers to the depletion of intangible assets and can be a major source of expenditure on the balance sheet of some companies. Amortization is always a non-cash expense. Therefore, like all non-cash expenses, it must be added back to net earnings while preparing the indirect statement of cash flow.


As a company uses up resources, it must recognize the exhaustion of these resources as an expense. A truck, for example, will wear out with use, and its market value will decline. Such a tangible asset is depreciated; in other words, the value of the asset reflected on the balance sheet is reduced to reflect its lower value. Intangible assets, too, must be depreciated as they are used up. However the term used for the depreciation of these types of assets is amortization. If a company paid $1 million for the use of another brand's logo on its products for the next five years, it will have to amortize this asset of usage rights by $200,000 every year.

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Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement is a powerful tool that allows the accountant and top management to keep track of the cash taken in vs. cash expanded over the course of a set period -- for example, a whole fiscal year. The most frequently used method of calculating cash flows is to add and subtract non-cash expenses and profits to the company's profit figures. This is referred to as the indirect method of calculating cash flow. For example, you would subtract non-cash sales on credit from the net income figure, since these boost the net income but do not result in extra cash. Thus, they should not be counted among cash-generating activities.

Amortization and Cash Flow

Amortization expense is a non-cash expense. Therefore, like all non-cash expenses, it will be added to the net income when drafting an indirect cash flow statement. The same applies to depreciation of physical assets, as well other non-cash expenditures, such as increases in payables and accumulated interest expenses. These numbers have all been subtracted from the net sales figure when arriving at the net income figure, even though the company did not pay cash while accruing these expenses. Therefore, the net income figure is that much less than the cash taken in. To arrive at the accurate cash flow number, you add these expenses back to net income.

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Direct Method

When using the direct method of cash flows, your accountant considers only the cash outlays and expenses. He adds up all cash taken in from various sources, and subtracts all cash paid out from this total. The result is the net cash flow of the company. Since amortization is not a cash expenditure or inflow, it is not considered when using the direct method. While the direct method is more straightforward and simple, it lacks one major advantage of the indirect method: it does not show which specific reasons caused the net income and the cash flow to differ. When using the indirect method, your accountant can easily pinpoint the sources of the difference.
