Paid Family Leave Benefits and Payments FAQs

Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides working Californians up to eight weeks of partial pay to take time off work to care for a seriously ill family member, bond with a new child, or participate in a qualifying military event.

How much money can I receive through PFL?

If eligible, you can receive about 60 to 70 percent (depending on income) of wages earned 5 to 18 months before your claim start date for up to 8 weeks within any 12-month period. The length of time worked at your current job does not affect eligibility.

Can I choose how I receive my benefit payment?

Yes. You will choose how you receive your benefit payments when you file your claim. Your options are:

How soon will I receive my first benefit payment after I submit my completed claim form?

Most benefit payments are issued within two weeks after the EDD receives a properly completed claim online or by mail. By filling in your application completely and verifying that all information is correct, you help ensure your benefit payment is issued promptly.

How long can I receive PFL benefits?

You may receive PFL benefits for up to 8 weeks within any 12-month period for care, bonding, or military assist claims. You can break up your eight weeks. You don’t have to take PFL all at once. If you’re a parent taking time off work to bond with a child, you may only receive PFL benefits during the first year after your child’s birth, adoption, or foster care placement.

Who pays for PFL?

PFL is funded by mandatory payroll deductions from covered workers. This means that your previous paychecks helped pay for your own benefits and the benefits of millions of other eligible Californians.

How do I apply for PFL?

You can apply for PFL by completing the Claim for Paid Family Leave (PFL) Benefits (DE 2501F) form online or by mail.

To apply online, you must first create an account with myEDD to access SDI Online. Visit the myEDD login page and select Create Account to get started. For more information, visit How to File a PFL Claim in SDI Online.

myEDD registration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

After you have created an account and logged back in to myEDD, select SDI Online, which will direct you to the SDI Online Registration page. Select your account type and complete the requested information. Once your SDI Online registration is complete, log in to myEDD again and select SDI Online once more to be directed to your Home page to file your claim.

Note: It may be necessary to send some documents via U.S. mail even if you selected electronic communication.

For bonding claims, your application must include documentation showing the relationship between you and your new child (for example, a copy of the child’s birth certificate or record, adoptive placement agreement, or foster care placement record).

Note: Mothers transitioning from a Disability Insurance pregnancy claim to a PFL bonding claim do not have to provide a proof of relationship document.

For caregiving claims, your application must also include a medical certification from your family member’s physician/practitioner and the care recipient’s or their authorized representative’s signature on the Statement of Care Recipient portion of the claim form.

For military assist claims, you must include supporting military documentation and documentation for the qualifying event.

My employer says they will terminate me if I don’t return to work. Does PFL protect me from losing my job?

No. PFL does not protect your job. It only provides paid benefits when you need time off work for family leave. However, your job may be protected through other laws, such as the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

For more information, visit the Family and Medical Leave Act and the California Family Rights Act FAQs page. You can also contact the Department of Labor at 1-866-487-2365 or the Civil Rights Department at 1-800-884-1684.

Can my employer terminate me while I am on Paid Family Leave?

We have no control over issues involving wages, hours of work, or conditions of employment.

You can contact the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division or the Civil Rights Department, which has responsibility over employment and leave issues, including employment termination during a family leave.

If I am terminated, will it affect my benefits?

No. Termination will not interfere with your benefits as long as you continue to meet the other eligibility requirements.

My health benefits stopped while I was on Paid Family Leave. What can I do?

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provides a temporary extension of health benefits at group rates for certain former employees through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) program. For more information, contact the DOL at 1-866-275-7922. For TTY, use 1-877-889-5627.

How long will it take for my claim to be processed?

Your claim will be processed about 14 business days after the EDD receives your properly completed application.

When can I apply for PFL?

All PFL claims must be completed and submitted no earlier than the first day your family leave begins but no later than 41 days after your first day of leave.

PFL benefits for bonding must be claimed within one year of your child’s birth, adoption, or foster care placement, so you should file your claim no later than eight to nine weeks before the anniversary of the child entering your family.

Can I receive Disability Insurance or Unemployment Insurance benefits while receiving PFL benefits?

No. You may not receive Disability Insurance or Unemployment Insurance benefits for the same period in which PFL benefits are paid.

Can I receive workers’ compensation benefits while receiving PFL benefits?

Yes. If your workers’ compensation weekly benefit amount is less than your weekly PFL benefit amount, you may be eligible to receive the difference.

Will I have to pay taxes on PFL benefit payments?

Yes. You will receive a 1099-G tax form in January of the following year you received benefits. For more information, visit the FAQs - Form 1099G page or contact the IRS.

For state taxes, PFL benefit payments are not reportable by California pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 17083.

What must I report to the EDD when I am receiving benefits?

You must report:

Reporting this information ensures you receive the correct benefit amount and prevents an overpayment.

Can I start collecting unemployment benefits because I am laid off or have had my work hours reduced, and then switch to a PFL claim?

Yes. If you have a family member who becomes sick while you are out of work, you can apply for a Paid Family Leave claim which can provide a higher benefit amount if you’re eligible. A medical certification is required to verify your family member’s illness. If you are approved for a Paid Family Leave claim, your Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim will be put on hold. If your Paid Family Leave claim ends and you are still unemployed, you may return to your UI claim benefits as long as you are still out of work and otherwise eligible. You will need to reapply to reopen your UI claim.

How do I report the death of a care or bonding recipient?

If the person you are caring for or the child you are bonding with passes away, report the death to the PFL office at 1-877-238-4373. You may also notify the EDD by writing to the PO Box address printed on the payment notice. Provide the care or bonding recipient’s name and date of death, and your name, address, and phone number so we can contact you with additional instructions. Benefits are payable through the date of death if otherwise eligible.

How do I pay for an overpayment?

First, you must have received your billing notice. The Benefit Overpayment Statement of Amount Due (DE 8301R) form is a billing notice that is mailed to you each month. If you have not yet received this notice or have lost it, please contact the EDD at 1-877-238-4373.

Visit Benefit Overpayments to make a payment.

If I misplaced a form the EDD mailed to me, how do I get a new one?

If you misplaced a form, you can obtain a new one by:

I’m on PFL and my employer says that I have to pay for my own health insurance. Is this correct?

The EDD does not have control over employer policies. PFL provides only partial wage replacement when you need to take time off work for family leave. You may have rights under other laws, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

For detailed information about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), visit the Department of Labor or call 1-866-487-2365.

For detailed information about the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), visit the Civil Rights Department or call 1-800-884-1684.

Can I pay into PFL if I’m self-employed?

The EDD has a program for self-employed individuals and independent contractors called Disability Insurance Elective Coverage (DIEC). Premiums are based on the net profits you reported to the IRS on your Schedule SE for the previous tax year and are paid on a quarterly basis.

For more information, visit Eligibility for DIEC.

My employer does not participate in State Disability Insurance. Is there a way I can participate?

The California Unemployment Insurance Code exempts various groups from participating in the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program, which includes Disability Insurance and PFL. Among these are sole proprietors and partnerships with exempt employees, Indian tribes, and public entities, which include most government and school district employees. For groups such as these to be covered, they must apply for and elect SDI coverage.

Can I check the status of my PFL claim online?

No. PFL benefit information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using the PFL Automated Telephone Information System. You will need a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access your information. You create your PIN using the automated telephone system.

Visit Debit Card for debit card benefit and contact information.

Can I remove the child support deduction from my Paid Family Leave benefit payment?

No, we will not accept any documents directly from you related to court-ordered child support payments. All court orders to begin or end child support obligations are submitted to us through California Child Support Services.

Contact the California Child Support Services office nearest you for any questions.