The requirements set forth in the pages that follow are the minimum graduate school degree requirements that apply to all degree candidates. Students should consult the listings of individual departments and programs for additional program-specific requirements.
In most fields of study, six years is normally sufficient for the completion of the Ph.D. Departments and programs make every effort to design a course of study and to provide advice and guidance to enable students to complete their work within six years. Normally three, or at most three and one-half, years are devoted to the completion of predissertation requirements (courses, examinations, and the selection of a dissertation topic). The remaining time, typically two to three years, is devoted to conducting research and writing the dissertation.
Students seeking the Ph.D. degree are required to be in residence in the New Haven area during at least three academic years. This is an academic requirement, distinct from and independent of the tuition requirement described below. The residence requirement must normally be met within the first four years of study. Any exception to the residence requirement must be approved by the department and by the appropriate academic dean.
All Ph.D. candidates are charged four years (eight terms) of full tuition, or proportionately less if all degree requirements, including submission of the dissertation, are completed in fewer than four continuous years of full-time study from the date of matriculation in the Ph.D. program.
Once the full-tuition obligation has been completed, registered students are charged the Continuous Registration Fee (CRF).
The graduate school does not award transfer credit for graduate work completed before matriculation at Yale.
Non-Yale Courses A department may, with the approval of the graduate school, waive a portion of the Ph.D. course requirement (typically three courses) in recognition of previous non-Yale graduate-level work completed after receipt of the bachelor’s or bachelor’s-equivalent degree. Such a waiver does not affect the tuition requirement. Courses taken prior to matriculation at Yale will not appear on the student’s graduate school transcript. The Yale courses waived will be recorded on the student’s transcript and in the degree audit system as waived.
Yale Courses With the approval of the department, a doctoral student who is currently enrolled may petition to count up to one year of relevant coursework completed in a Yale master’s or professional doctoral program as partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. course requirements. This petition must be received by the appropriate associate dean in the graduate school before the end of the student’s first year of study in the Ph.D. program. The dean may reduce the four-year tuition requirement by either one or two terms, based on the number of courses accepted. The courses accepted will be listed on the student’s transcript.
Waived courses are not counted in determining a student’s eligibility for either terminal or en route M.A. or M.S. degrees.
Language requirements are set by individual departments and programs and are explained in the individual department listings. All departmental requirements are subject to initial approval by the Executive Committee of the Graduate School and are monitored by the Degree Committee. A department cannot make exceptions to its own requirements without authorization by the Degree Committee.
Graduate students taking undergraduate language courses are graded according to the Yale College grading scale. Where applicable, language courses may count toward graduate degree requirements in some programs (see program descriptions). Undergraduate language courses do not count toward the Honors requirement.
The required level of proficiency in foreign languages, and the method for demonstrating it, are determined by the individual departments. Students are urged to be prepared to meet language requirements at the beginning of their first year of study.
The course requirements for the Ph.D. degree are set individually by each department or program. Each course offered in the graduate school counts for a single credit or, in rare cases, one-half credit. Only courses offered by the graduate school and officially numbered on the graduate level (i.e., 500 or higher), and receiving a qualitative grade of Honors, High Pass, or Pass, can fulfill requirements for the doctoral degree, with the exception of certain undergraduate language courses or where specified in advance by the department or program. Although departments may set more stringent requirements, to meet the minimum graduate school quality requirement for the Ph.D., students must achieve the grade of Honors in at least two one-credit graduate courses taken after matriculation in the graduate school and during the nine-month academic year and achieve an HP average in coursework required towards the Ph.D. The HP-average and Honors requirements must be met in courses other than those concerned exclusively with dissertation research and preparation.
A student who has not met the HP-average and Honors requirements at the end of the fourth term of full-time study will not be permitted to register for the fifth term. A student who is not in academic good standing with regard to course work or research, as defined by the minimum standards established by the graduate school and the expectations outlined by the student’s department or program, may be dismissed from the graduate school. Such dismissal will be recorded on the student’s transcript.
Each Ph.D. student must pass a general examination, separate from course examinations, in a major subject and in such subordinate subjects as may be required by the department or program. Such examinations are described in the individual program listings. Students must assemble a qualifying examination committee in consultation with their program. Students unable to constitute a committee that satisfies the academic requirements of their program will normally be withdrawn from the graduate school at the end of year three. Students should consult with their director of graduate studies for further information about this requirement.
Each Ph.D. student must have a dissertation committee, including an adviser who is a member of the graduate school faculty and at least one additional committee member who is a tenure-track Yale faculty member, approved by the student’s department in order to register for the fourth year of study. Students without an approved committee will normally be withdrawn from their program.
The dissertation topic, in the form of a prospectus, must be approved by the department or program. Certification of this approval, together with a copy of the prospectus, must be filed with the graduate school registrar at least six months prior to the submission of the dissertation. By the time a prospectus is submitted, the program must approve a member of the graduate faculty to serve as the primary adviser for the dissertation. Students who plan to submit the dissertation before the end of the fourth year of study should be sure to reserve time to satisfy this requirement.
The prospectus should be viewed as a preliminary statement of what the student proposes to do in the dissertation and not as an unalterable commitment. However, substantive deviation from the dissertation project outlined in a prospectus (as determined by the director of graduate studies and associate dean) will require that the student draft a new prospectus to be approved by the dissertation committee at least six months prior to the submission of the dissertation.
In consultation with their faculty advisers and directors of graduate studies, students should give serious thought to the scale of proposed dissertation topics. There should be a reasonable expectation that the project can be completed during the stipulated duration of the degree program.
The appropriate form and typical content of a prospectus inevitably vary from field to field. In most cases, however, a prospectus should contain the following information:
Dissertations are normally submitted in English. If there is a strong academic reason to submit all or a portion of the dissertation in a foreign language, students must petition to do so at the time of the submission of their prospectus. The petition should be submitted in the form of a letter explaining the academic reasons for using a foreign language and will be evaluated by the director of graduate studies and the appropriate dean. Petitions for writing and submitting a dissertation in a foreign language will not be accepted after students have advanced to candidacy.
Admission to candidacy indicates that the department and the graduate school consider the student prepared to do original and independent research. Students will be admitted to candidacy when they have completed all predissertation requirements, including the dissertation prospectus and excluding any required teaching. Admission to candidacy will normally take place by the end of the third year of study. Any programmatic variations from this pattern that have been approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate School are described in the individual program statements. Training in teaching can occur both before and after a student is admitted to candidacy. A student who has not been admitted to candidacy at the expected time will not be permitted to register for the following term and will be withdrawn from their program. At the time of advancement to candidacy, eligible students who have not petitioned for or received en route degrees (e.g., M.A., M.S., M.Phil.) will automatically be considered for such degrees. If a student advances to candidacy after the deadline to submit a petition for a degree in that term, the student will be considered for a degree in the following term.
The Teaching Fellow Program (TFP) is the principal framework at Yale in which graduate students learn to become effective teachers. Learning to teach and to evaluate student work is fundamental to the education of graduate students. Teaching is required in many departments and is an expectation for all doctoral students. All graduate students teaching for the first time at Yale are required to attend a “Teaching at Yale Day” (T@YD) orientation. The TFP provides opportunities for graduate students, under faculty guidance, to develop teaching skills through active participation in the teaching of Yale undergraduates. Teaching fellows who encounter problems or difficulties related to their teaching appointments are encouraged to meet with the appropriate dean. Only students registered for at least half-time study may serve as a teaching fellow (TF) or as a part-time acting instructor (PTAI). For a more detailed description of these types of appointments, see Teaching Fellow Levels in the Financial Aid section under Financing Graduate School. Students must complete the entire semester (or other relevant period) of teaching in order to receive academic credit for teaching and for a teaching experience in the TFP to appear on the transcript.
Faculty should clearly communicate to students and teaching fellows their expectations about the evaluation of work, feedback to students, and grading policies. Faculty are expected to prepare course syllabi, assignments, and examinations. Typically, they should not ask teaching fellows to give lectures when they are unable to attend class, although they are encouraged to offer occasional opportunities for student lectures when they can attend and advise. Teaching fellows may be asked to assist with administrative activities (such as placing course material on library reserve or online, making photocopies for class, ensuring that audiovisual resources are available and working, and the like). In general, however, the faculty member is responsible for such activities.
Graduate students may occasionally serve as graders for graduate-level courses, but only in highly quantitative courses with frequent, graded assignments. To avoid conflicts of interest, teaching fellows should not normally be assigned to evaluate the work of graduate student peers. However, in courses requiring extensive quantitative work, teaching fellows may score quantitative homework and exams submitted by graduate students, using nondiscretionary scoring keys approved by the faculty instructor. In these instances, the faculty member should review the teaching fellow’s scoring and must assign the final grade. In courses that are double-titled with both graduate and undergraduate numbers, the same guidelines hold for the grading of assignments; all other grading of graduate students should be done by the faculty member.
The graduate school requires that all students who teach be in academic good standing. In addition, they must be fluent in English. Graduate students whose native language is not English are required to meet the oral English proficiency standard before they may begin teaching. This includes teaching in foreign language courses. The standard may be met by (1) passing the Center for Language Study oral exam, (2) passing the speaking section of the iBT TOEFL, (3) passing the speaking portion of the IELTS exam, or (4) having received an undergraduate baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an institution where the principal language of instruction is English and the student was in residence for at least three years. In some instances, a student’s academic dean or director of graduate studies may require that students with an undergraduate degree from English-speaking institutions also pass an oral English exam to satisfy the language requirement. Doctoral students who have not met the oral English proficiency standard must enroll in at least one course offered by the Center for Language Study’s English Language Program each term.
The dissertation should demonstrate the student’s mastery of relevant resources and methods and should make an original contribution to knowledge in the field. Normally, it is expected that a dissertation will have a single topic, however broadly defined, and that all parts of the dissertation will be interrelated but can constitute essentially discrete units. Beyond this principle, the faculty will apply the prevailing intellectual standards and scholarly practices within their fields in advising students with regard to the suitable scope, length, and structure of the dissertation, including what constitutes an original contribution to that field.
In accord with the traditional scholarly ideal that the candidate for a doctorate must make a contribution to knowledge, all dissertations that have been accepted by the graduate school are published electronically through ProQuest and are deposited in the collection of the Sterling Memorial Library. As such, classified or restricted research is not acceptable as part of the dissertation. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the Degree Committee.
Dissertations must be written in and submitted in English except in some disciplines in which there are strong academic reasons for the submission of a dissertation in a foreign language. A dissertation may not be translated into English by someone other than the student.
Dissertations must be submitted to the graduate school by the respective deadlines in the academic calendar to be considered for December or May degrees. No exceptions are made to these deadlines, which have been established to allow sufficient time for departments to receive evaluations from readers and recommend students to the Degree Committee. Once the adviser and committee have approved a dissertation for submission and the director of graduate studies has been notified, the student submits the dissertation along with the degree petition and other forms based on the requirements set forth on the Dissertation Progress Reporting and Submission (DPRS) site ( The director of graduate studies must approve a complete list of dissertation readers for each dissertation on the Notification of Readers (NOR) link on the DPRS site.
Registered doctoral candidates must have a principal adviser with an appointment on the graduate school faculty. The graduate school requires that each dissertation be read by at least three people but not more than five, at least two of whom hold faculty appointments in the graduate school. All readers must hold the Ph.D. degree as well as a faculty position or be considered otherwise qualified to evaluate the dissertation. The process for assigning readers is determined by the department, which is responsible for confirming the qualifications, contact information, and availability of all readers before notifying the graduate school of these appointments. All appointments of readers are subject to review by the associate dean. The department is responsible for reassigning readers as necessary, and this process will not extend the deadline for readers’ reports to be returned to the graduate school. Once all readers’ reports have been submitted, students may view them in the DPRS system. Readers’ reports become part of the student’s permanent academic record.
Award of the Ph.D. will be considered by the Degree Committee only if all readers’ evaluations have been received by the graduate school and are positive, all other degree requirements have been met, and the department has recommended the awarding of the degree. Should a reader indicate that a dissertation contains significant errors in typing, grammar, spelling, reference citations, or other textual matters, the student will be required to revise the dissertation by a date provided by the registrar. A new pdf of the dissertation must be uploaded in the DPRS system. The graduate school must receive approval from the director of graduate studies indicating that the student has addressed the readers’ concerns, before the dissertation can be recommended for a degree. In the event that a dissertation is evaluated by any reader as Not Acceptable, the dissertation will be administratively withdrawn from submission. Departmental practice determines the number of reevaluations normally permitted. If reevaluation is permitted, the student must resubmit the dissertation in a subsequent degree cycle.
The graduate school does not require departments to evaluate the dissertations of degree candidates who are no longer registered. The decision to review such dissertations rests entirely with the respective department or program.
The Master of Philosophy is awarded en route to the Ph.D. in many departments and programs. The minimum general requirements for this degree are that a student shall have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. except required teaching, the prospectus, and dissertation. Students will not generally have satisfied the requirements for the Master of Philosophy until after two years of study, except where graduate work done before admission to Yale has reduced the student’s graduate course work at Yale. In no case will the degree be awarded for less than one year of residence in the Yale graduate school.
Not all programs offer the M.Phil. degree. Information regarding special requirements for the degree, if any, are stated in the individual program listings.
Except in the case of programs listed below under Terminal M.A./M.S. Degrees, students are not admitted as candidates for the Master of Arts or Master of Science degree. However, students in doctoral program may be awarded the M.A. or M.S. en route to the Ph.D. degree if offered by their program.
Although departments may set more stringent requirements, the minimum general requirements must comply with the credit hour standards set by the U.S. Department of Education and include the (1) completion of a minimum of seven one-credit graduate courses leading to the Ph.D. or the equivalent of such courses, with grades that satisfy departmental requirements; (2) completion of one academic year in full-time residence or the equivalent at Yale; (3) recommendation by the department for award of the degree, subject to final review and approval by the Degree Committee. In no case may courses taken prior to matriculation in the graduate school, or in Yale College or other summer programs, be applied toward the requirements for the M.A. or M.S. degree.
Some departments do not offer the M.A. or M.S. en route to the Ph.D., or award it only to students who are withdrawing from the Ph.D. program. For information about this or any other special requirements additional to the general requirements stated above, see the program listings.
Students enrolled in a Ph.D. program may receive a master’s degree from another program provided that it is in a related field of study and deemed necessary for the completion of the proposed dissertation research, but may only earn one en route M.A. or M.S. degree during their doctoral studies. The student’s proposed program of study must receive formal approval in writing from the directors of graduate studies in both programs and the appropriate associate dean prior to enrollment in courses that will fulfill master’s degree requirements in another program. Courses taken toward a master’s degree in another program must be part of the student’s course requirement for the Ph.D., as approved by the directors of graduate studies in both programs. However, such course work cannot also be counted toward a master’s degree in the program to which the student was admitted. A student may not advance to candidacy until all requirements have been completed for both the en route master’s degree in the program to which the student was admitted and the proposed master’s degree in a related field. Students who wish to obtain a master’s degree in a field that is not directly related to the doctoral degree must apply for a personal leave from the Ph.D. program and submit an application for admission to the master’s program. Any financial aid offered to the student for a Ph.D. program may not be transferred to a master’s degree course of study. Students enrolled in combined programs normally receive combined en route degrees, if the en route is offered individually by both programs.
The M.A. and M.S. degrees are offered as terminal degrees in eighteen departments and programs: African Studies, American Studies, Applied Physics, Archaeological Studies, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science, East Asian Studies, Engineering & Applied Science, English, European and Russian Studies, History, History of Science and Medicine, International and Development Economics (IDE), Medieval Studies, Music, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Public Health, and Statistics and Data Science.
The residence and tuition requirements for a terminal M.A./M.S. degree are a minimum of one year of full tuition and course work in residence in one-year programs, or a minimum of two years of full tuition and course work in residence in two-year programs. For information about departments that offer one-year or two-year programs, see the program listings. Students who extend their program solely to retake a class or finish a master’s thesis in order to be eligible to graduate and who have met the tuition requirement will be charged the Continuous Registration Fee.
With the approval of the program and the appropriate academic dean, a student may be admitted for part-time study toward a master’s degree. In that case, tuition will be charged on a per-course basis. Part-time study does not change the one- or two-year full-tuition obligation described above. Part-time students must complete all degree requirements within five years of matriculation. Part-time status may affect a student’s eligibility for Yale Health coverage.
Individual programs establish the specific course and language requirements for these degrees. Although programs may set more stringent requirements, the minimum graduate school requirement for students admitted for M.A./M.S. degrees is an overall grade average of High Pass, including a grade of Honors in at least one one-credit graduate course (for students enrolled in one-year programs), or in at least two one-credit graduate courses (for students enrolled in two-year programs). In order to maintain the minimum average of High Pass, each grade of Pass on the student’s transcript must be balanced by one grade of Honors. Each grade of Fail must be balanced by two grades of Honors. If a student retakes a course in which the student has received a failing grade, only the newer grade will be considered in calculating this average. The initial grade of Fail, however, will remain on the student’s transcript. A grade awarded at the conclusion of a full-year course in which no grade is awarded at the end of the first term would be counted twice in calculating this average.
Each course offered in the graduate school counts for one or one-half credit. Only courses offered by the graduate school and officially numbered on the graduate level can fulfill requirements for the master’s degree, with the exception of certain language courses or when specified in advance by the department or program. A student who has not fulfilled the course requirements for the degree at the conclusion of the standard duration of the program can, at the discretion of the department and associate dean, be granted one additional term to fulfill degree requirements. If the student has not taken the requisite number of courses but has fulfilled the tuition requirement, the student will be charged the Continuous Registration Fee. If the student must take additional courses beyond the number required, the student will be charged tuition on a per-course basis.
No credit will be awarded toward the M.A./M.S. degree for courses taken prior to matriculation in the graduate school or taken in Yale or other summer programs. Students in one of Yale’s professional schools who matriculate in the graduate school to complete a joint master’s degree may, however, with the permission of their director of graduate studies, count courses already completed in their professional school program toward the joint degree. See the individual program or department listings.
The master’s degree may also be earned jointly with the B.A./B.S. in certain departments by students enrolled in Yale College. For further information, see Yale College Programs of Study, available from the Office of the Dean of Yale College.
Students who are candidates for degrees in any of the joint programs sponsored by the graduate school and Yale’s professional schools must meet the requirements established by each school for the degree they are seeking. Degree requirements in the graduate school include both the graduate school’s general requirements and any special requirements set by the relevant department or program. In all cases the Honors requirement must be fulfilled in non-research courses offered primarily for graduate school students, taken after matriculation in the graduate school.
In addition to the J.D./Ph.D., J.D./M.A., M.D./Ph.D., and Ph.D./M.B.A. programs described below, joint-degree programs with other professional schools have been approved for students in Chemical & Environmental Engineering, European and Russian Studies, and International and Development Economics. These programs are described in the individual department listings.
Admission to the graduate school joint-degree programs with the Law School, described below, requires separate admission to both schools as well as approval by the appropriate associate dean in each school, and by the director of graduate studies in the student’s graduate school department. Students must apply for admission to a joint program no later than their first year of study in a J.D., Ph.D., or two-year M.A. program, and must matriculate in the joint program no later than the beginning of their second year. Students wishing to pursue a J.D./M.A. in a one-year M.A. program must matriculate in the M.A. program as a joint-degree candidate.
In the J.D./Ph.D. program, the first year of study is spent principally in the Law School. The second and third years are combined according to the interest of the student. As many as six term courses, designated by the student at the beginning of the term, may be counted toward both degrees. During this time all course work and language requirements for the Ph.D. program are normally completed. The J.D. should be completed by the end of the fourth year. During the fifth year the student is expected to complete all remaining predissertation requirements and be admitted to candidacy. The teaching requirement for the Ph.D. will normally be completed by this time. Any exception to this pattern of study must be approved by the appropriate associate dean.
The minimum residence requirement in the J.D./Ph.D. program is four years. The tuition requirement is two and one-half years in the Law School and three and one-half years in the graduate school. Financial aid for tuition is provided by each school according to its own criteria, typically for two and one-half years in the Law School and three and one-half years in the graduate school, and is awarded by each school during the terms in which the student pays tuition in that school. Students are not eligible for financial aid from the graduate school during terms in which they are registered at another school.
In the J.D./M.A. program, the J.D. and M.A. degrees are awarded simultaneously at the end of the fourth year of study in one-year M.A. programs and at the end of four and one-half years of study in two-year M.A. programs. The graduate school residence and tuition requirement for J.D./M.A. students in one-year M.A. programs is one year; students in two-year M.A. programs have a one and one-half year tuition and residence requirement in the graduate school. In all cases students pay three years of tuition in the Law School. Students in J.D./M.A. programs, like other students in M.A. programs, are not ordinarily eligible for University Fellowship aid through the graduate school. Students usually enroll in the Law School during the first year of study. The pattern of enrollment in subsequent years depends on whether the M.A. program is a one-year or a two-year program.
This program is sponsored jointly by the graduate school and the School of Medicine. Applications for admission to the joint program are reviewed by a committee composed of faculty members and deans from both schools. Normally, admission to the program includes simultaneous admission to both schools. However, students may apply to the joint program normally by October 15 of their second year of study in either the M.D. or Ph.D. program, and they must matriculate in the joint program no later than the beginning of the following year.
Students request affiliation with a particular department or program in the graduate school by the beginning of their third year of study in the joint program, after their course and research interests have been defined. Although students usually pursue their research in one of the biological sciences, those interested in earning the Ph.D. through work in another department may do so under certain circumstances, with the approval of the M.D.-Ph.D. committee and of the relevant department or program. At the time of the student’s affiliation with a non-biological/biomedical science department or program, permission for any adjustment to the teaching requirement must be obtained from the graduate school. Requests for adjustments to the program’s teaching requirement should be submitted by the director of graduate studies and by the director of the M.D.-Ph.D. program, as part of a student’s proposed plan of study, to the associate dean for graduate student advising and academic support.
The residence requirement in this program is seven years. The tuition requirement is three and one-half years in the School of Medicine and two and one-half years in the graduate school. To qualify for the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees, students must satisfy all degree requirements of both schools. Normally, a student admitted to this joint program must satisfy the graduate school Honors requirement and all predissertation requirements within four terms of affiliation with the Ph.D. department. This schedule may be adjusted for students who have been enrolled in either the School of Medicine or the graduate school before admission to the M.D.-Ph.D. program.
The joint-degree program combines the two-year M.B.A. degree from the School of Management (SOM) with the six-year Ph.D. It allows students to complete requirements for both degrees in roughly seven years rather than the eight or more years that would be required if the degrees were pursued separately. Both degrees will be awarded simultaneously once the student has fulfilled the degree requirements of both programs. Like all graduate students, joint-degree students receive a full financial aid package from the graduate school during the terms registered there. For students in the humanities and social sciences, this includes four years of tuition fellowship, five years of stipend, and health fellowship for Yale Health coverage for each term registered. Funding for students in the sciences reflects standard, departmental packages. Students will pay one and one-half years of tuition for the three terms registered at SOM.
The SOM and the graduate school use independent admissions processes and make independent admissions decisions. Applicants must submit the results of the GMAT and, if required by the prospective Ph.D. program, the results of the GRE. Prospective students who are not currently enrolled in either the graduate school or SOM may apply to both schools simultaneously. Students already enrolled in the graduate school normally apply to SOM after taking one course at SOM and apply to matriculate at SOM any time after they have passed their Ph.D. qualifying examinations at the graduate school but prior to beginning the fifth year of study. This pattern, however, is flexible, and students interested in the joint degree should consult the websites of their departments or programs for further information. Students enrolled at SOM may apply to the graduate school during the first year of study at SOM. Following admission to both programs, each student must complete a form requesting joint-degree status. The form must be signed by the appropriate associate dean at the graduate school and at SOM and the student’s director of graduate studies.
A student in the graduate school who wishes to pursue the joint degree will normally be required to take one course at SOM before applying there. To enroll in the course, the student will need to obtain the permission of the SOM instructor and state the intention to apply to the joint-degree program. The graduate school will waive one course during the term in which the student takes this preliminary course at SOM. For students in some disciplines, this prerequisite to admission will be waived. The student is expected to complete the qualifying exams and prospectus according to the standard schedule set by the graduate school. The student will normally begin study at SOM after completing the departmental Ph.D. qualifying examinations at the graduate school, but there are exceptions to this pattern described on the departmental websites. Upon admission to SOM, the joint-degree student will register at SOM for the first-year core of courses. Students may not fulfill any graduate school requirements during this time, nor may they serve as teaching fellows in the graduate school in any capacity. The student must register for a third term at SOM and complete four additional courses, normally prior to the beginning of the sixth year of study at the graduate school. Depending on the schedule of individual students, they may or may not complete all four of these remaining courses within a single term at SOM. If they do not, they may complete outstanding courses while registered at the graduate school, but in all circumstances, students are required to pay a third term of tuition to SOM.
A student who has been admitted to the graduate school while completing the first-year core at SOM may begin course work in the graduate school the following year. Once a joint-degree student has matriculated at the graduate school, it is expected that the student remain registered continuously until completing the qualifying exams. During this time, the student may undertake limited course work at SOM, but may not register there for the third and final term until the student has passed qualifying exams at the graduate school. Prospective students who apply simultaneously may start the joint degree at either school and follow the schedules outlined above.
All joint-degree students are subject to the codes of conduct published in the bulletins of their respective programs. Joint-degree students will receive separate transcripts from SOM and the graduate school. Each transcript will list the courses required for the respective school’s portion of the joint degree. Each course taken may be counted toward one degree only. Students’ transcripts will reflect the joint-degree status. A joint-degree student who decides not to complete both degrees may petition both schools to receive a single degree if the requirements for the single degree, including the two-year tuition requirement at SOM, are met.
Responsible and Ethical Conduct in Research (RECR) training is intended to establish a basis of understanding among graduate students concerning their rights and obligations as scholars and researchers, as noted below.
At the start of their first year of study, all master’s and Ph.D. students are required to attend sessions on professional ethics, including academic integrity, prevention of sexual misconduct, and discrimination and harassment reporting. Students must also complete an approved online RECR training module in professional ethics before they can register for the second term of their first year.
Additional requirements: (1) Students in the natural sciences must complete a department-based RECR course by the end of their first year of study. Master’s students in the natural sciences will not be charged tuition for this course; (2) Students in the humanities and social sciences who receive funding from a U.S. government grant or fellowship are required to complete an online RECR course offered by CITI within one month of the start of the funding.
All DSR students in the natural sciences, and DSR students in the humanities and social sciences who receive funding from a U.S. government grant or fellowship, are required to complete an online RECR course. This requirement must be fulfilled within one month of receiving a Yale NetID and even if RECR training was completed at another university.
Additional requirements: (1) All DSR students registered in the fall term must complete an approved online RECR training module before they can register for the spring term; (2) DSR students in the natural sciences who intend to study at Yale for one year or more are required to complete, at no charge, the department-based RECR course taken by degree-seeking students.
Graduate school degrees are awarded twice each year, at Commencement in May and at the end of the fall term (normally in December, depending on the schedule of the Yale Corporation). Degrees are not granted automatically. Students must file a petition for each degree by the appropriate date. (See Schedule of Academic Dates and Deadlines.) Petitions that have received favorable recommendations from the student’s department are reviewed by the Degree Committee. When the Degree Committee has given its approval, the petition is forwarded to the faculty of the graduate school and then to the Yale Corporation for approval.
Students enrolled in Ph.D. programs should not petition for en route degrees (e.g., M.A./M.S. and M.Phil.) until after the term in which requirements for the degree are completed (e.g., students completing degree requirements during the spring term should petition for award of the degree the following fall). Students who have not petitioned for or received en route degrees (e.g., M.A., M.S., M.Phil.) will automatically be considered for such degrees in the term following advancement to candidacy. Students in terminal M.A./M.S. programs may petition for their degrees in the term in which they expect to complete their degree requirements.